Ender’s Game , the first novel of the Ender-verse series, is a futuristic story written by American novelist Orson Scott Card. Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, who may be the military prodigy that Earth exceedingly needs in a war against an alien assailant, competes in a no-gravity game created by the instructors at the Battle School (a large space-school orbiting earth). Yet unknowingly, Ender is involved in something far crueler and desperate. As the story progresses, so do the themes of human atrocity and symbolism, utilized by Orson Scott Card to offer the reader an extraordinary environment entrenched in the science-fiction world. Ender’s Game presents meaningful and lucid imagery that our world does not offer, ethics expressing that there is no right or wrong decisions, and unpredictable plot twists. Orson Scott Card, by writing Ender’s game, displayed many literacy techniques in the universe of Ender Wiggin – creating an entire series of books worth reading. This series is recommende...
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